Matt Edmundson Russell Flawn Jessica Totillo Coster Chloe Thomas Greg Zakowicz

Customer Retention Live Q&A Panel

A Talk by Chloe Thomas , Greg Zakowicz , Matt Edmundson , Russell Flawn and Jessica Totillo Coster

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About this Talk

In this live Q&A session, summit host Chloe Thomas will be joined by a selection of our Customer Retention Speakers to answer your questions and round off Day 2 in style!

Key topics covered: - Where should you start your customer retention journey? (aka top strategies) - Should you focus on personalisation or automation first? - How do you work out how to split your time and budget between Acquisition and Retention? - For a Startup - should you do Retention marketing? And if so what...? - What evolutions are coming up in email marketing that we should be getting ready for?

About The Speakers

Chloe Thomas

Chloe Thomas

Podcast Host, Author, and Host of the Summit, eCommerce MasterPlan

Greg Zakowicz

Greg Zakowicz

Email Marketing Specialist, Director of Content, Omnisend

Matt Edmundson

Matt Edmundson

Founder & advisor to multiple successful eCommerce brands, Lots!

Russell Flawn

Russell Flawn

Commercial Director, Pure 360

Jessica Totillo Coster

Jessica Totillo Coster

The Queen of Klaviyo & eCommerce MasterPlan Crew Member, eCommerce Badassery